OVIA and the investment agency InvestHK – Invest Hong Kong of the Hong Kong SAR Government signed a Memorandum of Understanding on June 6, at a conference focusing on business opportunities in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, in which the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury of the Hong Kong SAR Government, Dr. Christopher Hui, participated as keynote speaker, and which took place in Oeiras.
The Memorandum, signed between the representatives of OVIA and Invest HK, Ambassador António Martins da Cruz, and Ms. Paula Kant, aims to strengthen the economic, commercial, cultural, and other relevant ties between the Hong Kong SAR and Portugal, to pave the way for collaboration in the promotion, attraction, and establishment of investment in Portugal and Hong Kong, materializing in a mutually beneficial partnership in fostering business dynamics that stimulate the economic and commercial environment of both regions, and that support the internationalization of local economic agents, ultimately benefiting both geographical latitudes and the business community.
Hong Kong has been recognized as one of the world’s most competitive economies. The International Institute for Management Development (IMD) World Competitive Yearbook 2022 ranked Hong Kong 5th out of 63 economies. The ranking reflects the consistent strides Hong Kong has made in building a favorable business environment. The city is also home to the world’s largest offshore hub in Renminbi settlement. Businesses can easily enjoy a wide variety of Renminbi services on offer from banks and financial institutions.