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Meeting and conference at the International Institute of Macau

Ambassador António Martins da Cruz, Chairman of the Board of the Oeiras Valley Investment Agency, and the Deputy Mayor of Oeiras, Francisco Gonçalves, and their entourage on a business mission, visited Macau on March 19 with an intensive program. This included an explanatory session on the topic of “Economic Relations Portugal – The Macau Case” at the International Institute of Macau (IIM), moderated by the Secretary-General of the IIM, António Monteiro. During the session, there was also a brief presentation of Oeiras and its potentialities.

Ambassador António Martins da Cruz was Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diplomatic Adviser to the President of the Republic, with extensive diplomatic experience in various countries and OTAN, and is now Chairman of the Board of the Oeiras Valley Investment Agency (OVIA). The Ambassador has also lectured in higher education and is a regular speaker at international meetings, as well as being a founding member of the International Institute of Macau.

Source: https://iimacau.org.mo/index.php/pt/noticias/576-visita-do-sr-embaixador-antonio-martins-da-cruz-ao-iim

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